As goes the Pastor, so goes the church.

Don’t Do Ministry Alone

  • Coaching

    God has called you to make an impact. And you shouldn't have to do that alone. We're here to help. We offer coaching for pastors and church planters to help you discover the best strategy to accomplish God's calling on your ministry and your church. Whether your a new church plant or an established church, we have a team member to help.

  • Consulting

    Feel stuck? Or maybe you're just ready to take your church or a specific ministry area to the next level? There's a chance we can help. From community engagement and evangelism to hospitality and leadership development, our consulting ministry can come alongside your team to help you get to the next level as a team and organization.

  • Church Planting

    We're passionate about planting new churches. From church planter cohorts and trainings to monthly coaching for church planters, we offer a wide variety of services. Our team has combined to plant over 80 churches and train over 250 church planters in the last 15 years. Our experienced team is here to help and serve planters.

May Cohort Training

May 6th - 8th
Combine, Tx